Tuesday, May 18, 2010

To Be a Kid Again...

The thing I'm finding that I love about being a mom, is that I can sometimes "be a kid again". I have a great excuse sometimes to sit on the floor with Emily and play with dolls and My Little Ponies (which were my favorite toy as a kid). She even has a Cabbage Patch Doll. I had one of those too! I love that a lot of the toys I grew up with are making a comeback, so I can play with them again!

The other day it was so nice and warm out, with a little bit of wind. We pulled out the dollar store bubble stuff, and found that it only made one bubble at a time. That is not fun. So, I pull out one of my many, many cookbooks and I find a recipe for bubbles. They didn't do too bad, but later I found a better recipe I can't wait to try.

So, we filled up my biggest measuring cup with water, dish soap (shampoo, bubble bath, etc.) and a bit of sugar. Dug out my melon scoop things and we kicked off our shoes and sat out behind our house and made some bubbles.

I had plenty of work that needed to be caught up or finished, but it felt so good to take an hour or so and sit out back with my girl and play!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Farm Markets, and Making Cheese

Going to farm markets and making cheese has been my spring so far! This past week was by far the busiest!
We've got a schedule already made from now until November. We'll be making cheese on Monday's and Tuesday's (one or the other, depending on when the schedule allows). There may be an occasional Wednesday make if we're busy on Monday or Tuesday.

The farm market in Marietta has started a Wednesday evening market sponsered by the local YMCA. It's called "Get Fit Marietta", promoting eating local and healthy. We may not be at that market each week, but we'll try to be there often.

Guernsey Co. Farmer's Market in Cambridge, OH has begun as of May 7, and will continue through October. Hours are 9-1. We're planning on being there each week for this market, but if we aren't there, stop by nearby New Concord at Buttonwood Market. She carries all of our varieties in her store.

Of course our Saturday's are spent in Marietta at our regular, weekly farm market. It has been a busy place too!

Our local paper had an article on us, and you can see it if you go to our facebook page. The link is at the very bottom of this blog. Martha Ackerman came out and interviewed us last month, and she did a great job writing the article.

I was also featured in the Guernsey Co. newspaper as the featured market vendor, along with my favorite recipe we use with our cheese.

So far we have 5 batches of cheese made, 2 batches of a new cheese called Summer Swiss. It will be ready by July-August. We'll be doing Hill Folk Jersey on Tuesday of this coming week. So excited to see our walk in cooler filling up. So many orders coming in lately, that we're watching the shelves become empty. Good problem to have, though!

Stop by one of the markets or visit us on Facebook or our website!

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