We took a day off to go to the county fair today. Of course it was hot and humid, that's pretty typical of our county fair, since it's in the hot days of August.
Where I grew up, the fair was in October, so you could get a nice variety of weather, all in the same week! I remember some years it was cold enough to have a small amount of snow, and other years it felt like mid-summer. Especially the year I took my rabbit to the fair. I didn't think the poor rabbit was going to survive the week.
Emily had her first taste of cotton candy. (And I forgot my camera!!!) She liked it ok, but said it was too "ticky" (sticky). I never was fond of cotton candy, even as a kid. Now give me an elephant ear or funnel cake any day and I'm pretty happy. I also like those sugar waffles, but our county fair doesn't have them.
There was a table set up under the grandstand selling homemade jellies and jams. Different flavors than I had ever heard of... banana jam, watermelon jelly, A&W Rootbear jelly, Mountain Dew jelly...etc. I picked up some of the watermelon jelly. Emily is crazy about anything watermelon. She'd eat a whole melon if I let her! So, we'll see how that tastes.
Emily also had some fun riding the Merry-Go-Round with her daddy. (Again, I forgot my camera!!!!) She looked so cute waving at me each time they went around. So cute!
Of course we had to look at the animals. She didn't care about seeing any of them, until we got to the horse barn. She is bonkers about horses! She must take after me! I thought she would be excited to see the rabbits, sheep, and pigs, since we don't have any of those here....but, she didn't seem to even care.
That is pretty much the fun around here. We may make another trip down, this time in the evening when it is a little cooler!! They're having a square dance on Saturday night. Sounds like fun to me..
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago