It's only Tuesday, but so far this week has been slow. Not sure why. We're planning a cheese make on Thursday, but if we don't get some rain, that make may be postponed. We have a cistern that is rain fed. One inch of rain can fill it up, but we haven't had any significant rain for awhile. And cheese making can use quite a bit of water.
The weather is much nicer lately. Feels more like September than August. Fine by me too!
We are almost done with our last hayfield for 1st cutting. Not good to be in August still doing 1st cutting. We're pretty sure we'll have a good 2nd cutting off of our 1st and 2nd hayfields. And as of now we almost have 400+ bales of hay made from just this years. And we have leftover hay from the past 2 years that is still looking very good. Thankfully, we have had the help of our neighbor, and he raked the hay yesterday so Al could just follow behind him and bale. Makes the work go a lot faster!
We've been enjoying the Olympics the past few nights. Staying up a little too late, but it seems like they show the good stuff right at 11:00 p.m.
Last night I made us a treat to nibble on while we watched the games. It's a wonderful recipe sent to me by my friend Marion (GLU). Delicious!!!!
Taco Dip
Preheat oven to 350*.
Jar of Salsa
1 (8oz.) pkg. of cream cheese, softened
mexican cheese
Spread cream cheese onto bottom of an 8" ovenproof dish.
Spread salsa (1/4 of jar) over cream cheese.
Sprinkle Mexican cheese over it all.
Cook until cheese is melted.
Serve with tortilla chips. (We had the Frito's Scoops with ours)
Of course I felt a little sick most of the night because I enjoyed the chips and dip a bit toooo much! But, it was so worth it. I actually have enough ingredients to whip it up again. May wait until this weekend to do that.
Ok, now I'm off. I'm planning on getting the waxer turned on and melt some red wax and get some Gouda waxed today. Also need to pick up some boxes that our vet office has held back for us. They are so good about saving boxes and cold packs. We appreciate that so much! Never too many boxes around here!
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