The sun is shining so bright and warm today! Beautiful day! A lot of last weeks snow and ice if melting, and I can finally see our van. We did make it out yesterday, just 2 miles to our town to our Convenient store to get some bread. It was either that, or I was going to try my hand at making bread, and since I've never tried my hand at yeast breads, we figured venturing out was for the best! Our road was not the best, just a sheet of ice. Our township had plowed our road, but didn't get a chance to put stone down. Nothing like driving on a skating rink! We took our old pick up truck. Poor thing has an oil leak somewhere, and by the time we made it to town, we slid in the parking lot, and had smoke coming out from under the hood. Felt like the Beverly Hillbillies pulling in, almost herd the song playing.
We were supposed to go to Zanesville for an Ohio Farmstead-Artisan Cheese Guild meeting, but ended up doing it over the phone since it wasn't worth going that far. It's just the four of us that hold an office so it was easy that way. Got a few things done and we're hoping to get our guild moving forward again. I guess you could say we are "re-grouping".
We did run across an article today that is online. Very well done. The lady who did the article is from one of the stores that handles our cheese. Very exciting to see our name mentioned when we aren't expecting it. Here is the link to the story if you would like to see it.
I can't believe it is February already! In just over a month we will be back to making cheese. Wow! Already! I'm actually looking forward to it. I enjoy the time off in the winter, but it is something that we do that I enjoy, so that helps me look forward to it. Plus, cheese making time means....springtime!!!! I am a spring type of person. My favorite season of all! Don't get me wrong, I love each season for what they have to offer, but after being cooped up in the winter, I love the warm weather, green grass and flowers.
Today is Superbowl Sunday! I do root for the Steelers. We live close enough to Pittsburgh that our area is generally Steelers country. In this particular superbowl, given the circumstances of each team (Steelers being our local team, and the Cardinals being the underdog), I have to say I will be happy with whoever wins. I know, what fun is that? But, I always have a soft spot for the underdog team. So, best of luck to both teams! Personally, I'm looking forward to the commercials!! haha! Our neighbor who helps us here on the farm is coming to watch the game with us. He'll be helping Al get the milking finished up so they can get up to the house in time for the game. I've got deer kielbasa with sauerkraut in the slowcooker, and need to put a couple more things together for munchies.

1 comment:
I know it's Wednesday but I am just catching up with my blogs!! :)
Hoping the sunshine has continued for you and you have been able to get outside.
You should try making homemade bread. It's easy, really, and I just know you could do it!!!
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