We're busy around here. That's good too, it keeps us out of trouble!
Spring has almost sprung, and I'm so happy! I finally took down the Christmas decorations, I always wait until the weather is nice. I hate taking decorations down when it's cold and snowy. I noticed that my bleeding heart plant is starting to pop up through the ground, along with our daffodils. I imagine they will still get a bit cold a time or two before it's all said and done. Our yard was full of Robins hopping around looking for a bite to eat. So spring is not too far off.
Of course with all the "spring-like" things taking place, a lot of folks around here felt the urge to clean up their yards. It's a good thing, but burning brush during this time of year is dangerous. Our neighbor was burning off some brush from one of his hills, and it got out of control. Could've been very dangerous our way if the wind would have switched directions. Thankfully, the fire dept. did a good job of getting it under control and keeping an eye on it well into the night to make sure the hot spots were put out. 25 acres total was burnt. One fireman was life flighted to Morgantown, WV and a total of 5 fire depts. were called in. Needless to say our neighbor is facing some pretty serious fines as it is illegal to burn during the months of March, April and May in Ohio. However, common sense really needs to kick in somewhere along the way, considering we have not had any good rain for quite some time and the wind was gusting around 40 mph that day...so not a good day at all to burn.

This is the smoke and fire on the neighboring hill to the east of us.
The small "dot" above the hill was the life flight helicopter.
My dad came for a visit on Wednesday. It's been almost a year since we've seen him. Emily was so excited. She had him on the floor playing, poor Papaw! Getting up off of the floor is the hard part!

I went to the ladies meeting at our church last night. I was in charge of food, which was a first for me and I was excited! I picked out a recipe that I had never tried before, and it was a hit! The cake was really good too. I will post them on the side under "recipe of the week" soon.
We've had a lot of baby calves born. Right now we have 12 on bottles. Emily and I will be in charge of that. I'll get some pictures of all the babies soon.
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