Where did this past week go?!? Oh, now I remember, my week went by in a daze because I was taking some Vicadin and seemed to sleep the week away. I had my appointment with the oral surgeon on Monday, funny, I didn't even meet him, so I suppose the dr. is the one who took out my wisdom teeth. I remember them putting the IV in my arm, then suddenly I felt really dizzy and weird. I do remember chatting it up with the nurse, I hope they ignore what is said when a patient is drugged up. I remember waking up, sort of, again, I was chatting up a storm. I have no idea what about. Of course, it probably couldn't be understood since my face was swollen and I looked like a chipmunk. It took us about 2 hours to get to our hometown where I could get my pain med. prescription filled. That was a long 2 hours on the road. The nurse told Al that I was supposed to eat, I did not want to eat. Not at all. I do remember Emily wanted to go inside at the McDonald's because they had a play area, I didn't feel up to that either. The trip home was a bit foggy.
The rest of this week has been a bit here and there, since I've been taking the pain meds. every 4-6 hours. They zonk me out! Al has been taking Emily with him as much as possible. When she stayed with me, she would hang out in my room and somehow we ended up having all of her stuffed toys, a baby doll stroller (which by the way, smacked me in the jaw a couple of times) and all of her blankets. I remember her using my arm as a cave for a teddy bear, or at least I think that's what she was chatting about. I also noticed that Vicadin makes a person have some really odd dreams. Wow... what a week. Glad it's over.
I did miss the Ohio Proud meeting today, and was disappointed about that. But, I was still groggy today and don't think I could have made the 3 hour drive, plus sit at that long of a meeting and face 3 hours driving home. I hope to make the next one. I've made myself take only Motrin today, that way I don't have the weird foggy thing going on.
Tomorrow we're planning on going to New Concord to visit a store that handles our cheeses. They are having their Grand Opening celebration. www.buttonwoodmarket.com If you are in that area of Ohio, stop over, from what I've heard, she handles some really good stuff. And our cheese!
Saturday, I'm planning on being at Marietta farm market, bruised face and all. We're having a customer appreciation breakfast planned, so anyone stopping in is welcome to a bite to eat, all it costs is a donation. www.rivercityfarmersmarket.org And the weather is going to be beautiful! Sunny and warm. We've already opened the big doors to the building, and have vendors lined up inside and outside.
We got our issue of the newspaper today, and we're featured in it! We dropped off one of our brochures that was issued by American Dairy Assoc. and the local paper made a note of it in this weeks issue.
That's pretty much the happenings around here, that I can remember anyway!!
No cheese made this week, which is a good thing, because I would have messed that up considering where my head has been. But, I did finish up last weeks batch, it had to be taken out of the brine (salt water), dried and coated. I still need to coat the other side of each wheel later tonight. Tomorrow I will be packing for Saturday's market. Our packages of cheese look pretty cool with the "Ohio Proud" logo stickers on them!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
1 comment:
Girl you amaze me that you can still do all that stuff even on Vicodin!!! Rock on sweet sista!!!
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