Our daffodils have bloomed, and are probably sorry for it too! It snowed today. Once we come to the first day of spring, I'd rather not see snow until maybe November or December. I'm in Easter/spring mode, not Christmas/ Jingle Bell mode.

We finally bit the bullet and bought a used-but-new-to-us truck. It is a nice one, for a Ford. haha.. I've always been a Chevy person, but I figure if it runs, how can I complain? And it is an automatic, so I can drive it, with an extended cab. Al had been in love with it from the time our local dealer got it in. You know how you're not really supposed to let the dealer know how badly you want a vehicle? Well, I don't think Al followed that rule very well!! LOL
Hoping to do our 3rd batch of cheese this Thursday, but that will depend on how cold it will be! We have to keep the make room warm, but don't want to have the furnace on during make. So, the day should be fairly comfortable to plan on that day. If not, Monday will do just fine. I'm already picking up goodies to put in gift baskets this Christmas, and I already have some ideas about 4th of July this year too. I BBQ gift basket with cheese would do good for those cookouts this summer!
We took Emily to our back hayfield. It is the one farthest from the house, so we took our truck and drove around the road to our back entrance to the field. Thankfully we have 4-wheel drive, it was muddy! It was so warm that day, almost 70 and sunny.
That picture of Em running through the daffodils is precious! You should frame that one. And your hair is getting so long!!! I love it!!!
Oh, Renae, your daffodils are so beautiful. A field of daffodils, I'm jealous!! Perfect pictures, as usual!
Gorgeous pictures, neat truck, adorable baby, cute Renae.
What great pictures, Renae. Your hair is getting so long...like it!!!
Isn't Spring great??
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