August if here, and it started out downright cool! But, yesterday and today the hot, humid weather has finally arrived. Ick! I really did enjoy the past two months of unseasonably cool weather, global warming was not in our area this summer!
My Aunt and Uncle came for a visit last Wednesday, and they brought about a bushel of green beans, two dozen ears of sweet corn (silver queen and a yellow corn), tomatoes and some cucumbers! I spent a couple of days snapping and canning those beans. They will taste yummy this winter! I love canning, but wow, it can be a long day and it's no fun when it's hot! Last night we cooked up the sweet corn and had some fun eating it with family!
Last Monday we finally, finally made a batch of cheese, woohoo!! I missed making it! We did a Dixie Swiss, ended up with 120 lbs. of cheese. We're going to make again this Thursday, and I'm hoping to do a batch of German Penn Brick. It's a different procedure, so I'm hoping we get it right. I get a lot of requests for it!
I've also found some goodies at a yard sale this past Saturday. I picked up some Gooseberry Patch booklets, for 25cents each, I already have them, but plan on tucking them in gift baskets this Christmas. Also came across a few other books, pictured below. Received my copy of the Gooseberry Patch book, Autumn with Family and Friends, and as much as I LOVE summer, their autumn books get me really geared up for the next season, and I'm looking forward to pumpkins, fall leaves, cooler weather, and the sweet smell of the fall air! And, I love to bake and cook in the fall! So, the cookbook came at the best time!! Will be receiving my free copy of Christmas with Family and Friends and Farmhouse Kitchen very soon as well! I love when they use my recipes!
You can find out more about their books and other goodies on their website:
And for canning informations:
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Hi Renae,
Wow ~ you certainly have been busy! I know what you mean about finally getting hot weather. Yuck. We've had a pretty mild summer thus far, so I can't really complain! Ha. Great GS scores! Congrats on getting two free GBP cookbooks. How many does this make now?! :o)
Congrats on the cheese awards. I thought I posted a comment, but it never showed up. Having those articles in the paper will make for some great publicity. Yahoo!
Hi Renae ~~ Sounds like you've been as busy as I've been. Our local orchard got hit first, by straight ine winds; then, by three separate hail storms. I'm getting all their "damaged" peaches for $10/bushel. The only thing "wrong" with them is that they're not perfect for retail. Have run out of jars and am starting to put them in the freezer. Wish you were down here to get in on these!!
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