Monday, February 8, 2010

We have SNOW!!!

Friday into Saturday we got our fair share of snow! I'd say we had at least 12 inches or better, and they are calling for more tomorrow into Wednesday!
Emily and I took a walk on Saturday, but it was so hard to walk through snow that deep!
It's a beautiful snow, and it sticks to all the trees.  Sun peeking out today and it really is pretty!

Will be shipping out cheese orders tomorrow morning, hopefully before the next round of snow hits!
So, anyone in the Athens, OH or Dayton OH areas, please check out The Village Bakery and Dorothy Lane Market~Oakwood Store.  Lola's in Cleveland also ordered some of our Hill Folk that they use in some of their yummy dishes! You can find their webites and info on our cheese site!


Tina❀ said...

I guess we got about 20 and I'm not sure what to expect from this round. We lost our power for a little over 24 hours and some still don't have their power back. Really stinks.
Be safe and stay warm.

Mardell said...

Hi Renae ~ yep, you sure have snow! We're supposed to get some tomorrow. Haven't had much lately...just bitter cold. We keep the thermostat at 60°, & these old fingers get pretty stiff. Sixty seems "warm" when it's only 2° outside, but still! Eeek ~~

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